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Dowsing Workshop

Saturday, November 16, 2019

10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Angels Delight

Central Court, High Street, Bridgnorth WV16 4DB, UK

There are lots of reasons why people use dowsing, the most well known is water divining.

There are many applications for dowsing and this workshop aims to show you how you can use it to improve your wellbeing.

Ways to do this may involve distinguishing the more spiritual or emotional challenges you face. Perhaps, you might want to identify a food allergy, or simply pinpoint energy blockages.

I can also show you how to dowse your immediate environment and identify areas for improvement.

No experience is necessary.

This workshop will give you all of the information and tools you need to utilise dowsing as an aid to improving your wellbeing.

You will briefly learn the history and how dowsing has been used in the past.

You will explore the practical applications of dowsing and what you can use it for.

You will discover how to interpret the movements of the pendulum and fine tune your technique.

You will develop confidence in using charts, lists and maps.

You can explore how to use dowsing to improve your wellbeing, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Finally, you will learn how to dowse for Geopathic Stress and how to counter its effects in your environment.


Through attending the workshop you will develop the following:

Confidence in using a pendulum

Understanding the breadth of dowsing applications and its limitations

Knowledge of how to use dowsing to get an overview of wellbeing for yourself and others.


When you choose to learn with Walk of the Goddess, you are choosing experienced educators. We offer you the best of our experience and knowledge.

On this workshop you will get:

First class tuition by an experienced and qualified adult tutor.

A bespoke pendulum to keep.

A variety of charts and lists to monitor wellbeing

All course handouts, which make up a useful resource to refer back to.


Saturday 16th November 2019

10:00am- 12.30pm & 1.30pm -4:00pm 

(Lunch is not provided but there is lots of choice for luscious lunches locally.)

Place: Angel’s Delight, Central Court, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4DB

Cost: £35 – includes pendulum, charts, lists and handouts

Book tickets:

Contact Tash by email at

 or give me a call on 07460813056 if you have any queries or questions.

You will be in safe hands, your workshop facilitator Tash, is a qualified and seasoned adult tutor with a passion for working and healing with crystals.

With her easy going and approachable demeanour , she will lead you on a wondrous journey of learning and exploration.

You should leave feeling inspired and excited to start exploring improving your wellbeing with dowsing



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